Another one of my ideas which I won’t implement. Ever had doubts if a candidate CV/resume is a good fit for the job? Pay US$ 19.90, upload the CV to a website, and let 10 people say yes/no. I bet recruiters would love this tool.
Let me expand a little bit:
Recruiting a person with a completely different skill set than yours is hard, right? Imagine the troubles a owner of a soon-to-open delicatessen store feels when hiring a baker. Or a recruiter trying to avoid an embarrassment when forwarding a CV she’s not so sure about.
Well, why not let people who are already professionals in a field tell you if the candidate has a good curriculum vitae? Post a job description, upload/paste CVs, and receive good feedback on it.
What’s in it for the professionals? Money. One dollar per rating, maybe more if the professional has a proven track of good rating on the website. More if you tweak the paid amount and the website revenue cut. At US$ 19.90, that’s good for 10 one dollar ratings, or 5 two dollars ratings (with 10 left for the website).
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Apply metamoderation, and recommendation, for example CV uploaders can invite known professionals to join the website. Don’t let invited professionals rate CVs sent by people close to whoever brought them to the website. Gently remind CV uploaders to come back to the website and say if the received ratings were good.
Let professionals suggest questions to ask the candidate. Rate/metamoderate questions.
Let professionals comment on the CVs. For example: “According to the job description, I recommend the candidate knows SOX.”
Hiring is so hard I bet the 20 bucks price could be increased, for example it starts at US$ 20, but recruiters could ask for an specific professional for her opinion, whom would set her price per rate. Or +US$ for expedite ratings (in 2/6/12/24 hours). Maybe that’s too complicated for pricing, though.
If you ever build this website, let me know 🙂
5 responses to “Crowd review a resume”
Interesting, but I guess you’d have some privacy issues, unless you explicitly tells the candidate that his/her CV will be reviewed by random people (from outside the company).
Also, it seems that most of the time the CV isn’t really that important. It’s not that difficult to tell if a CV is good or bad, even if it’s for a different skill. The hard part of hiring is actually determining if the person is right for the job. This includes interviews, tests, etc.
Just my 2 cents.
haha i was just thinking about the same idea but i probably wont do that as well 😛
but still it think its a good idea 😀
Well I believe the issues Vinicios mentioned are a great fact, in addition I think $1 per review is just too much. I know positions normally receive hundreds of candidates, so you would then need someone to refine all CVs and then send the task for the Crowd member. But this is too broad, it would take me less then 5 minutes to write 10 reviews because its relatively easy to determine which candidates are better than others. Good Ideas of course but $1 is just imaginary.
è muita irresponsabilidade permitir informações de difamação e calunias sem verificaçõ, sem perfmitir respomente realmente este site é claro a frase que internet é terra de ninguem, qualquer um coloca o que quer sem verificação. gostariamos que um link p/ que resolvermos esta situação.estamos no amuardo mm-rhÂ
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